FIWARE IoT Stack allows you to connect devices and receive data, integrating all device protocols and connectivity methods, understanding and interpreting relevant information. It isolates data processing and application service layers from the device and network complexity, in terms of access, security and network protocols.

These are the main benefits of solutions 'powered by the FIWARE IoT Stack':

  • Simple sensor data integration
  • Device-independent APIs for quick app development & lock-in prevention
  • Modular
  • Scalable. High available
  • Open & standards based. FIWARE compliant

APIs available

FIWARE IoT Stack provides the following APIs:

  • Authentication API: manages tokens for APIs usage.
  • Device API: allows managing devices, sending data from the device to the cloud and receiving commands.
  • Data API: allows querying and subscribing to data stored at the cloud.
  • Historical Data API: allows querying historic data series and statistics stored at the cloud.
  • Data Processing API: allows analyzing data stored at the cloud on real time and triggering actions.
  • Management API: allows creating new services and users to provide a multi-tenant environment.


FIWARE IoT Stack multitenancy model is described in this section.

Data persistence

FIWARE IoT Data capabilities go far beyond querying the current context data or the short-term history. FIWARE IoT Stack provides means for storing hitorical data for the mid and long-term in third-party components; the following ones:

  • HDFS, the Hadoop distributed file system.
  • MySQL, the well-know relational database manager.
  • CKAN, an Open Data platform.
  • MongoDB, the NoSQL document-oriented database.

FIWARE Components

FIWARE IoT Stack is based on the following FIWARE components in order to provide its functionality:

  • IoTAgents (IoTA)
  • Context Broker (Orion)
  • Short Term Historic (STH)
  • Connector Framework (Cygnus)
  • Security Components: Identity Management (IDM), Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) and Access Control (AC). The platform does not use the FIWARE GEri for these components, but alternative GEi conforming with the same GE specifications (see this clarification about GE, GEi and GEri terms).

In addition, the platform includes the following additional components, which are not part of FIWARE (but still open source):

  • Complex Event Processing (Perseo). It is not part of FIWARE, but integrates with the platform using FIWARE-based APIs (in particular, using NGSI).
  • IoT Orchestrator