Authentication API allows you to login and get a token in order to use the Thinking Cities APIs.

Please, take into account that Device API does not require a token from Authentication API to send observations.


You can login using your credentials (username and password) in order to get a token. Make sure a scope is indicate in order to tell what service (or service and subservice) should be used for.

POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
Host: <idm_host>:<idm_port>
Content-Type: application/json

    "auth": {
        "identity": {
            "methods": [
            "password": {
                "user": {
                    "domain": {
                        "name": "{{Fiware-Service}}"
                    "name": "{{user-name}}",
                    "password": "{{user-pass}}"
        "scope": {
            "domain": {
                "name": "{{Fiware-Service}}"

In case of your user has only a role in a subservice, you should ask for a token with subservice scope:

POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
Host: <idm_host>:<idm_port>
Content-Type: application/json

    "auth": {
        "identity": {
            "methods": [
            "password": {
                "user": {
                    "domain": {
                        "name": "{{Fiware-Service}}"
                    "name": "{{user-name}}",
                    "password": "{{user-pass}}"
        "scope": {
            "project": {
                "domain": {
                   "name": "{{Fiware-Service}}"
                "name": "/{{Fiware-ServicePath}}"

In both cases you will receive an HTTP 201 Created response with a header called X-Subject-Token, this is your {{user-token}} like this:

HTTP 201 Created
Content-Type : application/json
Vary : X-Auth-Token
X-Subject-Token : {{user-token}}

  "token": {
    "domain": {
      "id": "63e0201c733343bb85e275f32b891be2",
      "name": "{{Fiware-Service}}"
    "methods": [
    "roles": [
        "id": "eb4f224ca3ee4e829790765c30adfbf3",
        "name": "admin"
    "expires_at": "2018-08-26T08:14:59.632237Z",
    "catalog": [],
    "extras": {},
    "user": {
      "domain": {
        "id": "63e0201c733343bb85e275f32b891be2",
        "name": "{{Fiware-Service}}"
      "id": "f44ae6ecb4ea4310810273b042946505",
      "name": "{{user-name}}"
    "issued_at": "2015-08-27T08:14:59.632260Z"

Please, be careful pasting your {{user-token}} properly on next steps. This is your API token and it will be valid for a fix period of time (1 hour in most of the cases).

Get a new token from another given token

Once you get a token you can get another one with the same effect:

POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
Host: <idm_host>:<idm_port>
Content-Type: application/json
X-Auth-Token: {{user-token}}

    "auth": {
        "identity": {
            "methods": [
            "token": {
                "id": "{{user-token}}"

Get token status

Once you get a token you can check its validity anytime and get other info as follows:

GET /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
Host: <idm_host>:<idm_port>
Content-Type: application/json
X-Auth-Token: {{user-token}}
X-Subject-Token: {{token-to-analize}}

You can check when the token was issued and when it will expire on the response body:

  "token": {
    "issued_at": "2015-08-27T08:22:39.688387Z",
    "extras": {},
    "methods": [
    "expires_at": "2018-08-25T08:30:37.131450Z",
    "user": {
      "domain": {
        "id": "63e0201c733343bb85e275f32b891be2",
        "name": "{{Fiware-Service}}"
      "id": "f44ae6ecb4ea4310810273b042946505",
      "name": "{{user-token}}"

Token expiration date can not be extended, but you can request a new token anytime and the ones you got before will still be valid.

Check token is valid

Once you get a token you can check its validity anytime as follows:

HEAD /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1
Host: <idm_host>:<idm_port>
Content-Type: application/json
X-Auth-Token: {{user-token}}
X-Subject-Token: {{token-to-analize}}

If the provided token in x-subject-token is valid then a 200 response will be returned.

In more detail ...

You can get more information about the FIWARE components providing this functionalty, reference API documentation and source code at Security Components (IDM, PEP, AC)